Easy Indoor Games to Play at Camp

25+ Awesome Circle Games for Kids and Adults

Circle Games

Quite often we form circles to play games, have group discussions, or make announcements. Circle Games are easy to monitor, ensure that participants are on equal ground (no one is at the front of the line, etc), and enable everyone to see and hear one another.

Circle games are also really easy to organize and set up in a hurry. Most of them don't require much preparation or materials, so camp counselors or teachers can get a game going without a lot of effort. This is why we think that group circle games are great for filling in gaps when other activities fall through for one reason or another.

Tips for leading Circle Games

Here are a few tips for running games to play in a circle:

  • When leading circle games for kids, ask the group hold hands and slowly walk backwards until the circle forms and their arms are fully extended (as in the picture). Adults generally don't need this :)
  • Have a big loop made of rock climbing webbing or rope and ask everyone to hold a spot of the rope on the loop and back up until the rope is taut. There are a number of games you can play with the rope like this, including group sit and race car
  • Stash a circular blanket in your backpack, office, or trunk. Ask the group to sit on the outside of the blanket

Let us know what you think! And if you don't see your favorite circle camp games, or know of a fun variation, please submit an activity today!

1-2-3 Look is a fun circle game that can include the entire group. This is the quiet version of "Scream Machine" Everyone closes their eyes and lowers their heads, the leader calls out 1-2-3-Look! As the leader calls "look," the campers look up at one specific person. *Campers cannot change who they are looking at during each round. If that …

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To play the 3-6-9 clap game, all participants must know how to count! This is an elimination game and your goal is to be the last person remaining! Quick overview of the rules: For the 3-6-9 Clap Game, you cannot say 3, 6, or, 9 or any number containing a 3, 6, or 9. For example, you can not say …

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To play Action Syllables, have your group form a circle. Ask each participant to choose an action for every syllable of their name. Example: Elvis has 2 syllables, so he does a hip shake with and snaps his fingers for his name. Once Elvis has done his action while saying his name, the whole group repeats. After the 2nd person …

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Everyone sits in a circle, and learns the 3 commands and their movements. 1) Ah!  The person says "Ah" loudly, and puts their left or right hand across their forehead in a saluting motion, with fingers pointing at the person next to them. 2) So! – the person says "So" loudly, and puts their left or right hand across their …

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Campers sit in a circle. One camper is chosen to be the detective, and leave the circle briefly. Another camper is chosen as the criminal, without the detective knowing who. The detective returns and stands in the center of the circle. The detective goes around the circle one at a time, asking each person, "Where were you last night?" Each …

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The leader starts with the name of an animal that starts with the letter "A." From there, go around the circle and have each person say the name of animal each beginning with the next letter in the alphabet. First see if you can get to the end of the alphabet and then see how many times you can complete …

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This is a fun circle game that has a bit of prank as part of it. Take one camper from the group and explain to him/her that they are going to act like an animal when they return to the group. Explain and that they aim of the game is for everyone else to guess the animal. Then tell them …

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In this fun version of Assassin (also known as Wink, Murderer, etc), everyone must work as a team to figure out who the assassin is! Given the strategy involved, we recommend this version for children ages 10 or older. To prepare for the game, write the following roles on small pieces of paper to be chosen from a hat or …

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Play this game with an even number of people so nobody's left out, and a large playing area, preferably a grass field preferably so no one gets hurt. The objective is not be the last pair left unmatched. Birdie on a Perch is best suited for older campers (middle school). Have them partner up, with one partner being able to …

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All players sit in a circle facing the center. One person is blindfolded and is the "Blind Cow." The "blind cow" should be spun around and then brought to the center of the circle. A bell should then be passed around the circle and rung. The "blind cow" will then follow the sound of the bell. The game leader points …

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Campers stand in a circle and pass a ball around. One camper sits in the middle of the circle and silently counts to 20 with her eyes closed. When she reaches 20, she yells, "Burn!" Whoever is holding the ball when the camper in the middle says, "Burn" is out. The camper in the middle can count as quickly or …

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One person sits in the middle of a circle of children. A button is passed around behind the backs of the children. The child in the center closes her eyes while the passing continues. When everyone says, "Button, Button, who has the button? She opens her eyes. She then has three chances to guess who has the button.

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Catch the Bunny is a fun and simple game. Have everyone sit in a circle. The Bunny (a small ball) begins the game. Choose one person to begin the game by passing the Bunny to the person next to them in the circle. That person will pass the Bunny in the same direction to the person next to them and …

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One camper goes into the middle of the circle with a ball or fun throwable object. They go around the circle saying "catch" or "don't catch" to the campers, and then gently tosses the object to them. If a camper catches the object and the person in the middle said "don't catch," they are out and vice versa. As the …

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To set up the Categories Game, arrange the group in a circle. The leader begins the game by starting a simple clapping rhythm of his/her choice, such as two beats on their lap and one clap. The group continues the beat for the entire game. The leader then calls out a category, such as colors, insects, states, cars, etc. He/she …

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You need a Rubber Chicken for this game. Arrange players a circle and have one player go into the middle. Choose a topic. Give the rubber chicken to one person who will start to pass the chicken around the circle when you say "Go." The person in the middle must list as many things as they can from the topic …

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For the Circle Run game, assign players in a circle and assign numbers 1-4 to every child in turn around the circle. Based on the size of the group, you will have multiple #1's, 2's, etc. The game leader calls out a number and all players with that number stand up and run clockwise around the circle. After one warm-up …

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The goal is to be the player in the #1 spot. Gather all the people in a circle and number each player in order. The player with the number 1, usually the leader, starts by tapping a rhythm on their legs and ground. The rhythm is 'Pat' (pat your legs legs with your hands), 'clap, clap,' 'thump, thump' (stomp feet …

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A group of kids of any size and all ages ready to have fun! Group: make sure the it person is not discovered by the person in the center. Person in the center: find out who's it! Everyone sits in a circle and we choose one person to leave the circle. Then, you choose one person to be it. It …

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A ball and the campers to make a circle more then 6 campers to try to gain control of the ball all campers should be standing in a circle with their legs spread apart. your feet should touch the person next to you then with your hands you make a 2 handed fist. The ball is in the middle of …

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Campers sit in a circle and begin to sing this song: Cobbler, Cobbler where's my shoe Have it ready by half past two If by half past two it can't be done Have it ready by half past one Counselor takes one of their own shoes (or something else) and passes it behind their back to the person next to …

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One player begins the game by saying, "I am thinking of something in the room that rhymes with 'fair'" the others then ask questions to figure out what it might be. The one that guesses it correctly goes next. Expand the boundaries as needed.

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None! To have fun. To make it around the circle. To remember both actions for each person. Whatever. Played in a circle. First person SAYS one thing he/she likes ("I like to jump up and down"), but DOES another (flaps his/her arms). The second person DOES what was just SAID (jumps up and down), but SAYS something he/she likes ("I …

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to not be in the middle Have Everyone sit in a circle with chairs or something to mark the spot the are sitting. (ex.backpacks) Have one person stand in the middle of the circle. Julie (the person in the middle) stands in front of James and asks him if he loves his neighbors.(the people sitting beside him) If James answers …

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Chairs forming a circle Everyone is seated in chairs forming a circle except for one person standing in the middle. The person in the middle will go to one person seated in the circle and ask them "Do you love your neighbor?" and that person can give two answers: "Yes, but I don't like people who…" and they will finish …

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Source: https://www.ultimatecampresource.com/camp-games/circle-games/

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