When Is Babys Breath in Season Southern California

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January 2013 Newsletter

January 2013 Newsletter Kit Wertz 2018-01-16T15:21:16-08:00

Baby's Breath Wedding Flower Trend

by Kit Wertz

Baby's Breath Closeup Detail

Pic­tured above is a close­up of small branch­es of Baby's Breath flow­ers, also known as, Gyp­sophi­la.

Baby's Breath Takes on the Starring Role in Recent Weddings

Baby's Breath has long been known exclu­sive­ly as a "filler flower," but we have been using it as the star­ring flower a lot late­ly. When many of the stems are massed togeth­er, they cre­ate a lush, yet airy look that can only be described as love­ly and del­i­cate. Even though Baby's Breath is thought of as a more afford­able option for event flow­ers, keep in mind that with any type flower that is "massed" togeth­er, it can get expen­sive because you'll need to pur­chase more to cre­ate the full look.

In Decem­ber, we cre­at­ed flow­ers for back-to-back wed­dings which fea­tured Baby's Breath as the main focal flower. In one wed­ding, the bride's bou­quet was made up of Baby's Breath and some small wired suc­cu­lent rosettes tucked into the del­i­cate and airy stems. Read on to see pho­tos of our recent events and get some ideas on how to work with this very endear­ing and ever­last­ing flower.

Baby's Breath Tall Centerpieces
Pic­tured above are three tall cen­ter­pieces made with just Baby's Breath flow­ers for a wed­ding we did in Decem­ber 2012. The entire wed­ding from bou­quets to hair­wreaths to cock­tail tables to cen­ter­pieces fea­tured Baby's Breath!

History of Baby's Breath

Orchid Corsage
Gyp­sophi­la, com­mon­ly known as Baby's Breath, is a genus of about 100 species of flow­er­ing plants native to Europe, Asia and north Africa. The name of the species is inspired from its love of cal­ci­um-rich soils, includ­ing gyp­sum. Baby's Breath is also heat, drought and soil tolerant.

Dur­ing Vic­to­ri­an times, it was revered because it sym­bol­ized puri­ty and ever­last­ing love in the Lan­guage of Flow­ers. Dur­ing that time, Amer­i­cans admired Vic­to­ri­an gar­dens that fea­tured these as bor­der plants. Now con­sid­ered an inva­sive plant in parts of the Unit­ed States, this flower is a sta­ple is most flo­ral shops across the coun­try. Baby's Breath is a per­fect com­pli­ment to a del­i­cate ladies cor­sage, but is now tak­ing cen­ter stage in many events.

Special Purchase, Care and Handling Tips for Baby's Breath Floral Designs

  • Choos­ing the Best Blooms Pur­chase bunch­es that are filled with open and closed buds where half of the buds are open. Avoid any bunch­es with blooms that show signs of browning.
  • Hydra­tion Stems are dry packed when you buy in bulk, so it's essen­tial to give them time to hydrate before you work with the flowers.
  • Break­age Baby's Breath is a very hardy and long last­ing filler, but is sen­stive to eth­yl­ene gas. Use flo­ral food and clean vas­es to cut down on this hurt­ing the flowers.
  • Asth­ma Warn­ing Dry­ing Baby's Breath gen­er­ates very high lev­els of eth­yl­ene gas has been known to cause Asth­ma issues with florists who work with it as a dried flower. Work with any dried Baby's Breath in a well-ven­ti­lat­ed area and keep any dry­ing blooms away from oth­er flowers.

Gen­er­al tips include: Check that the blooms are not drop­ping and not break­ing. Baby's Breath stems should be thin, wiry and green. Flow­ers should be fluffy and white, and the bunch­es should be loaded. Pri­or to putting in hydrat­ing solu­tion, spread out the stems and shake a lit­tle to loosen the prod­uct and get air flow­ing through the bunch.
Centerpiece Baby's Breath
Baby's Breath Cen­ter­piece set­ting up.

Baby's Breath Altar Large
Large Baby's Breath Design for Church Altar.

Baby's Breath Altar Look from side view
Side view of Altar Baby's Breath Designs.

Baby's Breath accents Bridesmaid
Baby's Breath Accents Brides­maid­'s Bou­quet along with Dusty Miller, White Mini Calla Lily, Lisianthus and Misty Blue.

Man's Baby's Breath Boutonniere
Baby's Breath boutonniere.
Baby's Breath accents corsage
Baby's Breath Cocktail Table Floral Design
(At left above, Baby's Breath accents grand­moth­er's cor­sage. (At right above), Baby's Breath cock­tail table design in small­er vas­es that are sim­i­lar to the tall vas­es used on the din­ing tables in the recep­tion area so the theme is complete.

Types of Baby's Breath

One of our pre­ferred ven­dors in Los Ange­les, Mayesh, fea­tures eight dif­fer­ent kinds of Gyp­sophi­la. Here are our descrip­tions of some we've worked with in the past.

  • Mil­lion Star New to the mar­ket, Mil­lion Star fea­tures many, many small del­i­cate blooms on each stem and its strong stem struc­ture makes sep­a­rat­ing stems much eas­i­er. It's high­er price large­ly reflects the cost of roy­al­ties which grow­ers must pay to the breeder.
  • Mirabel­la Larg­er blooms than Mil­lion Star, Mirabel­la is a new vari­ety being intro­duced as an alter­na­tive to New Love, Mirabel­la has strong stems and very bright, pure white blooms. Mirabel­la is a more pest resis­tant vari­ety, requir­ing less pes­ti­cides and is being mar­ket­ed as a more "envi­ron­men­tal­ly friend­ly" gyp.
  • New Love This new "Per­fec­ta-like" vari­ety from the breed­er Danziger in Israel boasts whiter blooms, "Mil­lion Star" stem struc­ture, eas­i­er stem sep­a­ra­tion and up to 20% longer vase life.
  • Over­time New extra large bloomed vari­ety of Gyp from Esmer­al­da Farms.
  • Per­fec­ta The long-stand­ing sta­ple white filler of the flo­ral indus­try. Per­fec­ta has large­ly been replaced start­ing in 2010 by New Love and Mirabel­la by most growers.

Other Baby's Breath Designs

Pinterest Board

Check out our Baby's Breath Inspi­ra­tion Board on our Pin­ter­est Chan­nel — pinterest.com/flowerduetla.

DIY Baby's Breath Pomanders

Martha Stew­art Baby's Wreath and Gar­land How-To

Winter White Wondrous Flowers

by Casey Schwartz

We touched on white flow­ers two years ago in a our Jan­u­ary 2011 flo­ral newslet­ter as they are so appro­pri­ate to design with in win­ter. Most of the North­ern Hemi­sphere is chilly, and snow can be seen through­out this zone. Even here in South­ern Cal­i­for­nia I could see the snow capped San Gabriel Moun­tains which are the back drop of down­town Los Ange­les and they looked so pret­ty. There­fore, we are going to fea­ture white flow­ers again this month and go a lit­tle more in depth than we did back in 2011. Hap­py Winter!

White and Silver Winter Bridal Bouquet
Win­ter won­der­land wed­ding: A white and sliv­er bridal bou­quet we made in Decem­ber using white Hydrangea, white spray ros­es, white mini Calla Lilies, Dusty Miller and sil­very Bru­nia berries.

White Veronica
White Veronica

Pure as the dri­ven snow, white flow­ers are full of impact and come in all shapes and sizes. The tra­di­tion­al rose, mop­py Hydrangea, trop­i­cal Anthuri­um and the wild gar­den look of Veron­i­cas all come in shades of white.
White Rose
White Vendela Ros­es are a go-to creamy large-head­ed and hardy rose suit­able for any occasion.

There is no risk of clash­ing when all types of white flow­ers are com­bined to give a tex­tured arc­tic land­scape. Some of our stu­dents are not sure what goes togeth­er when start­ing out in flo­ral design. We sug­gest white. Go with all white, you can not mess that up. White is not real­ly a col­or, but reflects col­or, and white does go well with any col­or. Green is a good add-in option, or sil­ver, or pink. Just one more col­or to white is lovely.
White Bridesmaid
White Ros­es and White Spray Ros­es accent­ed with dark blue Del­phini­um are great part­ners in this brides­maid bouquet.
White Rose Tropics
White Ros­es and Orchids were our sug­gest­ed flow­ers for this des­ti­na­tion wed­ding we cre­at­ed in St. John,USVI.
White Orchids
White Pha­laenop­sis Orchids make this wed­ding gaze­bo ele­gant­ly wonderful.
White Ranunculus
White Ranun­cu­lus used to be only avail­able in the spring­time, but now we see them almost all year long!
White Carnations
When bunched togeth­er, white Car­na­tions look like one mas­sive bloom. But be care­ful using these in a design for some­one from some cul­tures as they asso­ciate white Car­na­tions with death.
White Anthurium

White Anthuri­um will be the star flower in our Jan­u­ary 19th Flo­ral Design Class at our stu­dio in Tor­rance. Learn how to join it with orchids and Calla Lilies to make a long-last­ing ele­gant design for the New Year!

All white is real­ly where the impact is made when it comes to flo­ral designs dur­ing the win­ter­time. Wed­ding bou­quets that are all white are breath­tak­ing. A win­ter white theme wed­ding sets that win­ter won­der­land feel­ing. A fresh blan­ket of snow is calm­ing and pris­tine, so is a per­fect­ly arranged com­bo of white flowers.
White Hydrangea
White Hydrangea is always avail­able and always won­der­ful! Learn how to keep it look­ing that way in this mon­th's flo­ral tool fea­ture: Quick Dip®.

White flow­ers will glow in a dark room, so if your event is going to have low light­ing, go light or white to be able to see the flow­ers as the sun goes down and the votives start to glow. This is also true in a sum­mer gar­den, as dusk falls, the white flow­ers, maybe Impa­tiens or Petu­nias will look like lit­tle lights in the gar­den. Let it glow, let it glow, let it glow and join us for our Win­ter White Flo­ral Design Class where we indeed mix a vari­ety of white flow­ers to cre­ate a love­ly, pure as the dri­ven snow arrangement.

Video: How to Wire Basic Flowers

Men's Boutonniere
Pic­tured at left is a small bou­ton­niere for a gen­tle­man made with yel­low but­ton mums and green trick dianthus.

Casey Schwartz of Flower Duet has appeared on Pub­lic Tele­vi­sion's Cre­ative Liv­ing with Sheryl Bor­den the past two sea­sons and returned to Por­tales, New Mex­i­co to film anoth­er set of five shows for the 2012–2013 season.

This month, we fea­ture a video on how to wire basic flow­ers. You can use this tech­nique as the start for bou­ton­nieres, cor­sages, hair wreaths and even the occa­sion­al flo­ral dog collar!

Sub­scribe to our YouTube chan­nel: fash­ion­ingflow­ers so you'll know when we've uploaded a new show of our own!

Flower Arranging Book: Bringing Nature Home

Bring­ing Nature Home: Flo­ral Arrange­ments Inspired by Nature by Ngoc Minh Ngo

Kit spot­ted this book at Crate and Bar­rel dur­ing her hol­i­day shop­ping and thought is was a beau­ti­ful book to add to our grow­ing flo­ral library. This book is again on the band­wag­on of using flow­ers, branch­es, grass­es and oth­er for­aged items from the area in your own gar­den or close to your home.

While we pur­chase many flow­ers and bunch­es of green­ery from our local Los Ange­les Flo­ral Dis­trict and love the vari­ety of blooms and foliage we can obtain there, we know that not every­one has this type of selec­tion avail­able. So, this book is for those of you who have a won­der­ful selec­tion of flow­ers and foliage right out­side your door (yes, even in win­ter). You can make these designs with flow­ers you can grow or trade with your neighbor.

Here is a snip­pet from Amazon.com:

"Unlike most flower-arrange­ment books, which rely on expen­sive and often non­sea­son­al flow­ers from florists, Bring­ing Nature Home presents an alter­na­tive that is in line with the "back to nature" move­ment. This is the first vol­ume to show­case how to be inspired by nature's sea­son­al boun­ty and bring that nature into the home through flo­ral arrangements."

Floral Design Tool: Floralife Quick Dip

When most of us think of a "quick dip," we think of a swim in the pool or whip­ping up some sour cream and onion soup mix. As much as I love both, I have cer­tain­ly come to tru­ly love and appre­ci­ate the Quick Dip® 100 made by Flo­ral­ife®. Since Kit and I at Flower Duet are all about long-last­ing arrange­ments, this item has become a sta­ple in our sup­plies. Sit­ting along­side the Flo­ral-life Flower Food, I found that I grabbed the quick dip as often as the flower food this past year.

It is a ready-mixed solu­tion that super hydrates flow­ers, reduces bent neck and droopy stems, wilt­ing and encour­ages quick water intake. Many of the flow­ers we order in bulk, which means they have been trav­el­ing in box­es and are most like­ly out of water com­plete­ly. Our job is to rehy­drate them.

Besides hav­ing our water bins ready for the flow­ers with flower food, the best in between step is a quick dip in the Quick Dip® 100.
The process :

  1. Pour some into a sep­a­rate cup.
  2. Give the stem a clean cut at an angle.
  3. Dip into a cup of the solu­tion for 1–2 seconds.
  4. Con­tin­ue their path to the flo­ral food enriched water.
  5. Let sit for an hour or two to regain strength before arranging.

Who ben­e­fits the most besides our clients and our rep­u­ta­tion, the flow­ers of course!

We have had many wed­dings this past year which includ­ed Gar­den Ros­es and Hydrangea. Both are chal­leng­ing, and both ben­e­fit­ted from the Quick Dip® 100. The most notable event in using quick dip was this sum­mer when I had cre­at­ed five Hydrangea wed­ding bou­quets on the hottest August after­noon in New­port Beach. They were out of water for more than six hours by the time they have car­ried down the aisle and they looked as full and perky as they did when I had hand­ed them over to the bride. It's best not to skip a step if you are going to work with flow­ers that need to last. Order your Quick Dip® 100.

Read study pub­lished by the mak­er of the prod­uct: Effi­ca­cy Test on Flo­ral­ife Quick Dip®

Hydrangea Treat­ed with Quick Dip® after one whole week. Was out of the water all day (dur­ing a wed­ding) and it still last­ed through the week with no droop­ing or brown spots with just a clean cut of the stem and back into a fresh vase.

white hydrangea

Hydrangea Treat­ed with Quick Dip After Eight Days.

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When Is Babys Breath in Season Southern California

Source: https://flowerduet.com/floral-trends/newsletters/newsletter-archives-2013/january-2013-newsletter/

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